Christmas 2022: Did we love enough?

Christmas 2022: Did we love enough?

Christmas acts as a punctuation mark in our lives: It gives us a sense of structure. Traditionally, it is a time for sharing and enjoying time spent with loved ones. But beneath the overtly festive overtone, this season tends to expose the missing pieces in our lives. Inevitably, we give more thought to how we and society have changed and where we fit into all of this. By Dr Sulette Ferreira

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Many Saffas moving to the USA

Many Saffas moving to the USA

SA Chamber USA recently obtained data from the United Nations which confirms the USA is the 3rd most popular destination for South African immigrants, preceded by the UK and Australia. The Department of Home Affairs and Statistics South Africa does not track data on emigration. However, the UN keeps data on migration and where South Africans have emigrated to over the last few decades.

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Investment and opportunities high on chamber’s agenda

Investment and opportunities high on chamber’s agenda

In September, the South African Chamber of Commerce in the USA (SACCUSA) is celebrating its second birthday. In humans this is the age when a child will start to kick a ball and slowly run. SACCUSA has exceeded expectations and is running at a fast pace while playing ball in the big league.

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