Lekker saamkuier by Vastrap Sokkie

Lekker saamkuier by Vastrap Sokkie

Daar is niks so lekker as ‘n sokkie op ‘n Saterdagaand nie! Vra maar vir die sowat 100 Suid-Afrikaners wat onlangs uit Georgia, Tenessee en Kentucky opgeruk het om die Vastrap Sokkie en Boeremark in Mableton GA by te woon.

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A jolly affair

A jolly affair

Be merry and drink wine! In Tampa, Florida a truly SA food and wine event was held and restauranteers from Naples, Florida delivered on great cuisine.

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Beer and wine pleasures

Beer and wine pleasures

South African Wine USA recently held a wine tasting in Atlanta. John Sizer from South African Beer, Wine and Spirits shared his wisdom and wine with guests.

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Dance, dance and dance some more

Dance, dance and dance some more

In Lorton Virginia, Saffas had their dancing shoes on when they recently celebrated Heritage Day. There was plenty to eat, but for new Saffa friends, it was a wonderful opportunity to mingle and share their love of SA traditions.

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