Christmas 2022: Did we love enough?

Christmas 2022: Did we love enough?

Christmas acts as a punctuation mark in our lives: It gives us a sense of structure. Traditionally, it is a time for sharing and enjoying time spent with loved ones. But beneath the overtly festive overtone, this season tends to expose the missing pieces in our lives. Inevitably, we give more thought to how we and society have changed and where we fit into all of this. By Dr Sulette Ferreira

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Every dollar goes a long way

Every dollar goes a long way

For those who left South Africa after 2015, the tragic story of the ‘Life Esidimeni’ scam is still etched in everyone’s memory. For those who already lived in the USA, the news of the brutal and inhumane deaths of 144 patients at psychiatric facilities in Gauteng, shocked the world.

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As Lady Luck Would Have It – postscript

As Lady Luck Would Have It – postscript

In the April edition of Saffamag, I related how Lady Luck has played a huge role in my life. Because of her, far more good things have happened in my life than I would have predicted when I graduated from Wits in 1971. And it seems that she still has an eye on me! By Stanley Trollip

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The V Club – from Vergelegen Estate to Connecticut

The V Club – from Vergelegen Estate to Connecticut

Vergelen Estate, a wine estate situated on the slopes of the Hottentot Holland mountains in Somerset West, Cape Town is no ordinary estate.“Vergelegen” is a Dutch word meaning situated far away. Established in 1700, it was a 3 day ox-wagon trip from Cape Town. By Shireen Badat

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Exploring emigration through art

Exploring emigration through art

As a researcher and therapist, I have the privilege of experiencing the world of emigration through the eyes of my clients. Everyone’s experience is unique. Emigrants venture into a new, unknown world, they leave the familiar to start afresh amid new cultures and environments. Some of my clients recall a profound sense of being emotionally uprooted, others fully seize the opportunities presented and continued to thrive. Yet, some experience both. By Sulette Ferreira

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Grand Canyon is one of a kind

Grand Canyon is one of a kind

The Grand Canyon is a bucket-list destination and it comes as no surprise that almost six million people visit this natural wonder annually. Irma Green shares the thrill of the helicopter trip she took to the canyon a few years ago.

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